Restaurant Pizza Snack Chez Milou Serignan Plage
Restaurant Pizza
Snacks Grills
Ranch le Petit Sam,
Parking de l’Etang, 34410 SERIGNAN-PLAGE
Eat at table or takeaway      
GPS lat 43° 16’ 53  long 3° 16’ 58 
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On this page you can see the development over the years of a real « institution » at Sérignan Plage next to the Ranch le Petit Sam. You can click on the photos to enlarge them..
Restaurant Chez Milou Serignan Plage premiere saison ambulant Restaurant Chez Milou Serignan Plage a emporter ou sur place
1993 - 2000
Restaurant Chez Milou Serignan Plage la premiere caravanne Restaurant Chez Milou Serignan Plage face au parking de la plage Restaurant Chez Milou Serignan Plage en languedoc Restaurant Chez Milou Serignan Plage premiere terrasse
2001 - 2002
2005 - 2006
Restaurant Chez Milou Serignan Plage rose de bienvenue offert
Restaurant Chez Milou Serignan Plage au couleurs de l'été Restaurant Chez Milou Serignan Plage changement de structure
2007 - 2008
From simple beginnings, a little pizza van in 1993, came the restaurant CHEZ MILOU of today, with every year, changes in decor, enlargements, more comfort and a broader selection of dishes on the menu - from pizzas, sandwiches, and chips, to main courses and grilled specialities.  One thing has never changed - a little welcome glass of rosé!
Restaurant Chez Milou Serignan Plage panorama 2013

